Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Meet Jack!

Meet my new toy... Jack! It's a Diana Mini given by my partner Heintje... Weeee! I was all smiling when I got this. I mean who wouldn't! I've been longing for a lomo cam since last year but I just couldn't because it's expensive for a hobby. But now, it's here... woohooo! 

So I shall now baptist it - Jack! Because I took the first photo in Jacksridge, so it's just right to name it after its first {crazy I know-hahaha}. I was sooo excited about it! I'm like a kid playing with a new toy, hahaha. First time I shot with a film, it feels like I'm a purist {film time photographer}. Never thought it's very fun but yet it's also hard. It feels weird because I couldn't see what my photo looked like until the roll is finished. But I'm truly enjoying it. 
Oh this cute little mechanical toy looks cute but it needs some mastering to achieve the lomo look photographs. I was practicing how to use it, of course with the help of my Master, Heintje. But we still wouldn't know how it turned out because we are still on our first roll and it has 36 shots, so we are still on the process of experimenting. Plus we used an expired film, so all the more we got excited to know what it will looked like. 
I'll try to finish all the 36shots tomorrow so I can send it to the mall to process it. Wooohoo! Can't wait to use this in Manila and Bangkok trip.

Updated: Here's my first photo with my lomo from my iphone {Jaden}... 


  1. I know the suspense of waiting! Can't wait to see how yours go!

  2. Hello Kellie... it's so nice of you to leave a comment... =)


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